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Mid-Depth Fish Habitat

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Initially, young fry hatch, feed, grow and mature in the shallow water habitat they are spawned in. Next, they begin to move deeper as they grow and mature, utilizing these ultra important, transition area depths and cover types. Bass habitat providing dense cover that is a bit more open, but plenty of tight spots to get inside and hide when needed. You need quality products, such as our fishtree, to provide the best habitat for your fish.


"Complexity is the state of having many different parts connected or related to each other in a complicated way." Variety of densities, wide and thin, short and tall, combine to add the complexity these fish are looking for. Bass structure, fish attractors and true fish habitat prevails when present. Stake beds are a great option to bring in more fish.


These little guys are food for the others and only a few inches long. They still need to be really careful to not get eaten by larger predators at this stage. Bass especially, prowl the outside edges of transitional dense cover, trying to get inside and catch a meal. Let us help you put together a custom layout and habitat design, specifically to fit your needs. Like any productive landscape, variety is the key in cover to attract a variety of species that can benefit from its offerings. Bass pond structure allows fish and aquatic creatures multiple options of where to spend time hunting, resting or hiding.

hen these "teenagers" begin to explore their deeper surroundings, the best case scenario is some sort of protection and cover to follow out into deeper water. Creating a "roadway" of reclaimed fish habitat and protective cover the  shallow fish hides, will provide this important transition, needed by virtually all species. Without this important line of concealment, the smaller fish can get picked off by the predators looking for a meal as they explore waters beyond their shallow spawning areas. Same concept as a tree row for game like deer, they need something to follow, trying to stay concealed from danger. Habitat products standing from about 48 inches tall up to about 60" tall, are considered the mid depth/transition models for average depths of four to ten feet deep. FREE SHIPPING!

Check out our ten part underwater video series shows how fish interact with our products in real time video and time lapse photos, learn along with us here!


The larger the area of habitat and cover you provide, the larger number of fish it will be able to support using it at one time. We recommend at least three to five habitat units of any type be used in a group, although seven to ten will hold dozens of large fish and forage. Experiment with varieties and layouts to offer the fish the most choices on any given day. Allowing the limbs to just touch each other during installation, lets the smaller fish stay protected as they travel the transition cover out to the depths.



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