The Safehouse multi purpose mid depth artificial fish habitat, stands 48" tall and weighs about 16 pounds each. These proven and cost effective fish habitat units, allow fish, bugs and underwater creatures of virtually all sizes, to take refuge to hunt and hide around this mid to shallow fish cover. When fully opened, this fish crib covers an area over 7' wide, with limbs ranging in size from about 3" up to 6" wide, providing a medium texture limb display. As with all of our habitat products, they actually do what we say they do, protect and grow more fish

Reclaimed PVC limbs provide an Eco.-friendly solution to replenishing important fish habitat. Setting the industry standard in fish holding coverage, the Safehouse mid depth fish habitat units will keep you fish healthy and growing fast. Easy to install, just bend the limbs in any and all directions by hand and toss or place, into your water body. The self weighted base, ensures the habitat unit will stand upright like an underwater bush, giving forms of aquatic life, options of where to hide, hunt or loaf. Installed in clusters, they can't be beat by any open spaced fish attractors on the market.
"Combine these mid depth fish cribs with others to create your own underwater landscape, allowing the variety of cover to attract the variety of aquatic life. Dense center sections offer protection and concealment for the smallest of creatures, while providing hunting grounds for the predators in your lake or pond system. "This is the best money you will spend on habitat. I've tried them all and this holds an incredible amount of life."