Customer Comments
David Ewald, You have been invaluable in helping our club lake with our fish cover needs. The complexity you are able to generate from your cover types is unmatched and you are by far the most prompt in terms of delivery. Thank you so much for all your help.
Joshua Massoud Athens — Texas
I ordered previously -turned out great - ordering some bulk for neighbors to make their own. Thank you!
Patrick Macmillan — Greenbrier, Arkansas
I’ve ordered a ton of stuff from Fishiding. Great customer service!! Always willing to answer questions! The cradle hair package is great as you can use it in all your builds.
Martin deGravelle— Monroe, LA
Fantastic Order! Dealing with David has been a real pleasure. I requested three recommendations and vey promptly he emailed me three. I called those individuals and all three raved about his products. His ordering process was a breeze and the delivery was lightning fast. Tomorrow 30 palace structures will go into our lake. I can't wait to see the results. Terrific product.
Rich Dotson Magnolia — Texas
David, Your products have been a God send for our lake. As new homes were built shoreline habitat began to disappear. We needed something to allow the fish to hide and proliferate. The results are beginning to show fish ARE hanging out around these structures. It’s been about 6-7 months and here are two photos of some lunkers my son and I picked up around these structures. We hope to place more in other areas in 2022. Great products!!! One fish was 8 lbs. and the other 6 lbs.
Rich Dotson Magnolia — Texas
My interest in growing more and bigger fish runs pretty deep. In the past several years I’ve done about everything, from sinking cedars (lure magnets), building my own from pvc etc, and used product form several companies. Fishiding has the best product hands down. They’ve put a lot more science into their work, and we’re the most helpful in helping me select the right products for what I was wanting to accomplish. I’m amazed at how much of an impact this has in a fishery, particularly for the baitfish.
Dave Dreiling — Manhattan, Kansas

I've purchased several different types of fishiding structures and a build your own bundle as well. Both time's David, the owner of the company, reached out personally and helped me confirm my order and provided advice and insight on the products. I now have several keepers, a few stakeouts, and a 3 briers under my dock along with some custom attractors that David walked me though on how to build. These things really work! I have biological growth covering every inch in a matter of weeks and the little bluegills and fry hold to it tight. Unlike brush piles you can cast and catch fish right through the structure. I now have the best fishing spot on the entire lake right off my dock. I take my kids fishing nearly every day and we have a blast catching quality fish all year. Shellcrackers, Large Mouth Bass and crappie hang out around these attractors all day waiting on bait fish to slip up. Best fishing investment I've ever made!
Sam McAdoo — Manhattan, Kansas
Thank you for a great Product and outstanding customer service. I received everything much quicker than I thought I would with great email communication during the whole process. All fish structures looked great and were easy to set up and deploy. I think my fish will like them as much as I do. This is a top shelf outfit and I look forward to recommending you to other people and purchasing more of your great product!
Russell Atkins — Arkansas
We already have 20 or so of your products in my 1.2 acre pond in S texas. This is a new pond in N texas that is around 3-4 acres depending on water level. Just got our first batch of fishiding dropped in today. We love your product. Now to work on the 24 DIY i have laid out. Thanks
James Stainton Decatur — Texas
That’s awesome Dave. Having placed and now fished the pallet thingys you sent me, I can say that, by far, it’s the best cover I’ve ever used! The fish took to it immediately, and now fishing it is a breeze. When I drag a lure thru it may hang up, but all you gotta do is back track and it comes right out. It’s 100X better than evergreens (cedar and pine) aka “lure magnets” that we’ve all tried in the past. If you ever need some sort of quote like for this for your website just holler.
Dave Dreilingbus
We are anxious to use your products again to achieve the same great results as our previous pond renovation last fall. Tens of thousands of fry in a 1/4 acre golf course pond! Outstanding! Thanks
Lee Yaegle — Grounds, Lakes and Parks
Point View Resort "We had our infrastructure installed on December 1st of this year, 2018. Fishing prior to that was pretty dismal because all of our previous stuff (mostly trees) was lost in a storm. This morning (day 11), two fishermen caught their limit of crappie before 10am." Laura Salamun, Owner Point View Resort Camdenton,MO Thanks, GREAT SERVICE
-Bob Weaver
Hi. I have been a huge fan of your company for quite some time now.It is amazing.
Louise Lo —
Remember, the real importance here is surface area. Surface area is defined by the total amount of material inches that are making contact with water. The greater the surface area of a structure, the greater amount of fish that the structure can support. Not only does this provide a physical environment, it also creates a micro-environment within the lake. Maximized surface area promotes the growth of beneficial algaes which attract and feed macroinvertebrates. Macroinvertebrates are a fundamental food source for baitfish, as well as a possible indicator species for good water quality
Steven Bardin M.S. — Texas Pro lake Management
Of all the fish attractors on the market today, this particular model is the best. No other attractor provides the amount of shade, cover and complexity of the Fishiding High Rise model. These attractors provide legitimate structure.
Eric Engbretson Underwater Photography
I've found that Fishiding structures are utilized eagerly by spawning largemouth bass. Nests are made adjacent to the structures and they provide protection for the nests and for newly hatched fry. Later in the year, these same structures attract YOY bluegills. They are especially effective in shallow water and are quickly colonized by young fish looking for protection. They work well in lakes where natural structure is at a premium.
Dave Dreiling — Manhattan, Kansas

David, I wanted to send you the pictures I took of the structure I made with your "build your own" structure materials. I purchased one box of the small stake, and one box of the discount assorted. The small stake package was great, I made a total of 23 structures. I placed 6-7 stakes per structure, used one 80lb bag of concrete, and one 10 foot tube of black plastic, 4inch drain tile. I think the materials, besides your box cost me under 9 bucks from the local big box store. I have included a picture below. Alone, they don't look like much but when you put that many together, wow, i could hang out there and be happy. I really like the discount assorted box, it gave me an opportunity to be creative mixing different sizes and shapes. I was able to make 11 different structures, of varying size and used 2 80lb bags of concrete, and one 8 inch yellow tube from the local big box store. I still have enough vinyl to make 2 more structures, but I ran out of concrete. All in all, I think I had maybe $11 in materials. I'm looking forward to dropping these in once the ice is out, I know exactly where they are going to be placed. Is it wrong not to tell the neighbors? I figured these can be my little secret, and give me better fish stories to tell at the neighborhood gatherings! I will keep sending you photos as the process proceeds. Having seen the pictures online, and having made some myself........I think you have a great product. I'm a little disappointed I didn't think of it myself. Have a great season
Jonathan Grandt — Northern, Illinois
David, The Seneca Nation hosted a first of its kind "Allegany Reservoir Management Meeting". This was an idea presented to me by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and we gladly jumped on board with them to host the meeting. The entities who attended that meeting were: Seneca Nation of Indians Fish & Wildlife Department, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, US Forest Service, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Pennsylvania Conservancy and Army Corp of Engineers. We went over our present and future habitat programs, Fish Studies and Surveys, Stocking Programs, Reservoir Issues (erosion and dam operations etc.) and funding/ grant opportunities. Our goal is to start working jointly on a number of these issues and data sharing. I gladly promoted your product with all of them and all of the persons involved seemed very interested (especially the Army Corp). I am very excited about the product and look forward to placing them. I personally think your product is a no brainer and hope to implement my habitat program in full very soon. I think the product you offer is a great idea David. The watershed in my area is effected greatly by Army Corp dam operations, where in the winter months the draw down leaves the reservoir almost dry and baron (with the exception of the river channel itself). All natural habitat is exposed to the elements for months at a time, therefore expediting the erosion process. We have been using Christmas trees for four years now for habitat but end up replacing them yearly due to decomposition. It's hard to expand the Christmas tree project into more areas because of this reason (a limited amount of trees to use yearly). Your product will last a lifetime and we can move them to different locations if necessary. These habitat structures combined with the Christmas tree program will work great!! Recycling Christmas trees and recycling materials to build your product (environmentally friendly)........ a win win in my book. We are forced to seek other methods to provide habitat for fish and wildlife to use. I am glad that we finally do have more options available to us. Providing adequate and long term habitat in lakes and reservoir's (with similar issues) is a monumental task. These waterways are in dire need of habitat and need to be better managed by all stakeholders.
Shane M Titus. — Fisheries Manager
Mon Valley Bassmasters Great products and a great company to work with! We will definitely be installing these again soon.
Jerod Harmon

Excellent product David. I have seen fry continuously feed on these for hours as well as fingerlings and juvenille's. These small supermarkets absorb the suspended food and accumulate in abundance continuously. Cleaning water and making food, what could be better! Well done,
Laddie Flock — Floating island International, Inc.
My experience with David Ewald and was amazing to say the least. His passion for lakes and fish habitat was very evident from the beginning. David and his crew are able to help turn your expectations and dreams into reality. We are confident that between the artificial structures from, and the natural habitat we have in place, we will be able to grow and harvest many great fish for a very long time. I highly recommend for your habitat needs.
Chris Kelsay, — Gretna Nebraska

David, I could not be happier with the product. Initially when the habitats were put into the tank with the fish they really didn't seem to react. But within two or three days the bait fish were holding within a foot of the structures.
I'm the New Mexico Bass Federation Nation chapter Conservation Officer and I head up the national "Habitat Team". I was putting together a presentation for our meeting at the BASSMASTERS Classic summit next month. I continue to be amazed at the content on this website. I'd like to give you guys and gals credit for your products and support of grass root efforts.
Earl Conway, — NM CD
So I talked to David Ewald this week and we have a plan to flip everything upside down and use his structures in a new way. They provide the most permanent food-growing surface area per grant dollar that I can buy.
Earl Conway,— New Mexico BASS Conservation Director
David, I have a post up about your company at Activist Angler, PVC fish habitat is a great idea, and I am happy to promote it.
Robert Montgomery;
Senior Writer, BASS Publications;
Senior Writer, Fishing Tackle Retailer;
Contributing Editor, Stratos Magazine;
Board of Directors, Recycled Fish;
Recipient of Homer Circle Fishing Communicator Award
I got those the other day and am very impressed. I thought I understood the product from the website but can see it is much more flexible. I could see using a series of these to create points and dead fall type structures. I will be promoting these and hopefully be placing them in ponds.
Ryan McCaw
Hey David, I caught right off the deep edge of the structureyou sent me...52 inch mama in September. Caught a few more casting the deep side of the structure layout...needless to say I am sold onyour products and I will be getting more in the spring. I didn't get to fish much in October and that is usually my favorite month (toomany work and kid things going on) I am thinking your structures will have the greatest benefit in early spring and late fall fishingapplications. These are the times when weed growth is low and your artificial products will offer bait fish a shelter...and attract ourbass, pike, and muskies! What benefits if any have folks seen placing them for ice fishing?Maybe even in deeper water for walleyes or crappies in the winter? My brain will be processing good spots to place structure...right now 25yards off the end of my dock comes to mind so we can hammer sunfish and bass with the kids. Would that be cheating? Hahaha
Take care,
Legends Guide Service
Hunting, Fishing, and Outdoor Adventures
Awesome products! David, I picked up some of your products that were donated to Recycled Fish through Pond Boss and Josh Milczki this weekend. We're elated for the support, grateful, and impressed! Thanks so much,
Teeg Stouffer

am very pleased with the habitats you sent me- they are all in place. I will get more fish in the fall, and will be in touch then to get a few more structures. Regards,
Claudia Star Tannery — Virginia

Hi David, Caught this one last night on top of my new Fishiding structure. Not bad for a Nebraska pond bass.
Aaron Graham, Broker/Owner —
Premier Outdoor Properties, Inc,
Licensed in NE, KS, IA & MO
428 S. Bryan Circle, Ste 100
Gretna, NE 68028
I placed four Fishiding structures in a farm pond yesterday. They definately were even better than I expected. My 80 something year old grandfather was impressed at the simplicity and utilitiy. Nice product,Clauser Environmental, LLC will be adding them to our toolbox for fisheries enhancements!
Aaron Clauser,— Clauser Environmental LLC Schuylkill Haven,Pa
Wanted to let you guys know how well the fishiding structures are working. We put the four keepers out in front of our raft, about 15 feet deep. The four Safehouse went in front of my neighbor's pier. We put all six of the cradles along our seawall in four feet of water. We now have the best place in the neighborhood for the kids to fish. We have two of our own and all their friends come and catch crappie, bass and panfish all weekend long. I can't feed them all summer! Thanks for making our time at the lake even more enjoyable watching our kids entertain their friends while fishing. Way better than Videos!!
Sue and Todd Christensen Reading — PA
I purchased one Keeper, one Safehouse, and six Cradles. I installed the Keeper and Safehouse under opposite corners of my dock near the shore. I installed all six Cradles near the dock on a sloped portion of the shore. The Cradles are home to a ton of Shad. I cannot see the Keeper and Safehouse but we have caught a 3 pound bass and several smaller bass off the dock so far this year. My neighbors tell me that my dock looks like a parking lot for fishing boats during the week with most of them fishing for crappie. I want to add more cover in the deeper water between my cradles and the dock. Any suggestions?
Michael E.Carpenter,— PE
(My suggestion for some additional structure would be to blanket the deeper area with safehouse. Sounds like the conditions are ripe to bring in masses of fish, giving them enough food and shelter. The crappie will hold away from the shad between feeding, often suspending above the actual structure. Under front conditions, they will drop down and hold tighter in and around the actual units. The more shad you can hold will dictate the number of crappie/bass they will frequent the area. It's like a "free" community picnic, the more food available, the more fish will come to eat and stay longer as well. Hope this helps. David)
"Excellent idea and it works. Keep me in the loop"
Wade Bales, — Quality Lakes, Inc. Bluffton,SC
We love the idea and feel it will work well for us. I know we like the compact size and built-in weight.
Phil Clayton —, Wisconsin Lake and Pond Resource, LLC
I think it's a good idea. The product will last underwater and could be pretty effective when used in the right waters, the right ways.
Bob Lusk, — Fisheries Biologist,Editor Pond Boss Magazine
Owner, Texoma Hatchery Pond Management Sadler,Texas
I commend you for such an innovative idea in recycling and wish you much success.
Karl J. Lutz, — Acting Chief,Lake section P.A. Fish and boat commission
It looks pretty reasonable from a functionallity perspective. I'd say it would be most effective in clusters.
Mike Robinson, — Keystone Hatcheries Richmond, Illinois
Interesting concept and appear to be cost effective compared to other plastic type products on the market.
Larry Damman, — Fisheries Biologist WDNR Spooner, Wisconsin