Pre-cut, pre-planned and ready to build a house for the fish!
This spacious fish crib kit contains everything needed to make at least 4 individual and unique 6' tall fish habitat units as shown above. U sing only soft and flexible type PVC limbs that we call ShleafsTM, this lifelike designed fish structure holds a bunch of different types of aquatic life. Tapering from a few inches at the bottom, up to 10" or more at the tops, pre-creased and ready for setting into cement. They are all hand-cut, making every single piece unique.
These whole new wide and flimsy profiles provide a unique display of light gathering surface area, maximizing beneficial aquatic pond or lake growth. Just mix one bag of common brick mortar mix, (cement and sand) to complete all four units! No snags here, with all completely smooth PVC made from flat PVC sheet stock. Fish baits right through the flexible, swim-soft materials.

Our self-standing ShleafsTM, come in an array of widths and lengths to attract fish, all created from reclaimed flat PVC sheet stock and crimped to fishy perfection! With o ver two hundred square feet of total surface area in the box, the forty-four individual ShleafsTM, combine with the included tall PVC strands and a pile of fine strips. Together, they create the perfect mixture of mostly dense and partially open, short and medium tall, artificial fish habitat structure for long-term littoral zone fish cribs.
Each four pack kit contains: (4) 10" diameter PVC base containers, each 10" tall.
(12) 72" tall ShleafsTM, (16) 60" tall ShleafsTM, (16) 48" tall Shleafs and (12) tall.
Thin strands and about two dozen fine strips of reclaimed PVC fill in the gaps. When the 10" tall base containers are filled half-way up with cement and 1/4 of the included Fishiding PVC material is added, the finished unit will weigh about 25 pounds.
The total unit weight of the fish crib if the container is filled to the top is approx. 45 pounds. 50 square feet of surface each when made as shown. Call or email for bulk, loose, ShleafTM material in various lengths and widths.
Tall, wide pieces in the middle are a set of four as shown below: